Forces and Structures

A student-centered, inquiry based learning community.

Procedure Writing

Writing is an important means of communication. When writing procedures/instructions/recipes/directions we must be clear and concise.

The template we are using is as follows:

1) First, state an objective or goal or purpose.

2) Then, list the materials (or ingredients) needed. List them in the order
of use.

3) Next, list the steps needed to complete the task. Must be listed in order!

4) Finally, if the instructions are for a scientific experiment list the results.

Remember to use transitional words (first, second, third, next, then, after
that, finally, etc.).

It's that easy!

1 Responses to “Procedure Writing”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I love procedures cause I love to cook!!
    woud you put a procedure online of recepies?

    Ana laub  

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